Stock List

I've had relatively few problems with this tank but I have unfortunately lost several fish and corals. My most costly mistake was early on when I bought a Blue Spot Jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti). These fish are notorious for being jumpers and even though the aquarium came with a screen lid he managed to jump out. Even though it was witnessed and was quickly transfered back into the aquarium, he didn't survive.

When I first started to keep sps corals I lost several while I learnt to keep my water parameters stable. I've also lost a coral to a rogue emerald crab (Mithrax sculptus) and sadly my first fish, a Sunburst Anthia (Serranocirrhitus latus) has died after nearly 2 ½ years.

Recently (2019), due to several factors the aquarium has had several changes. First the green star polyp got a foot hold of the nearby rockwork and grew over several corals. I lost the rainbow montipora and had to remove the rockwork on the right hand side of the aquarium. Before it was removed several frags where taken of the other corals. This also gave more space for the clam which was starting to suffer in the space it had. Unfortunately, the clam never recovered after moving it. Another possible factor for the clams demise was that I started adding iodine on the recommendation of a local fish store, soon after I lost my red planet acropora to tissue necrosis.

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